Works in color. When nothing else mentioned: Acrylic color on plywood of varying thickness.
Artefact III (approx.80x80cm)
All my days
(Plaster due, woodcut and alkyd enamel on plywood, 125x125cm.
All My Days
Red structure. (approx. 100x65cm.)
Unit in yellow ( 40x80cm.)
Unit in red (approx. 100x60cm)
"Det er døden som med egne øjne ser dig an fra sommerfuglevingen"
(fragment fra Inger Christensen: Sommerfugledalen) Acrylic color on plywood, 75x50cm.)
"It is death that with its own eyes looks at you from the butterfly´s wing"
(excerpt from danish poet Inger Christensen´s: Butterfly Valley: A Requiem